
Created in Sochi in July 2005 following Law N° 92/2006 of 14 August 1992 related to Cooperatives and Common Initiative Groups and the Decree n° 90/445/PM of 23/11/1992, WES Credit Bank effectively kicked off its activities in 2007 in the form of a Savings and Loan Cooperative.


It conformed to all reforms of the microfinance sector instituted by the regulatory authority and on July 27, 2006, through Decree N° 00347 of the Ministry of the Economy and Finance, obtained the approval as a 2nd Category Microfinance Institution (MFI)

In 2006, WES Credit became a Limited Company and its capital equally increased from $20 000 000 000 USD to $45 000 000 000 (forty-five billion) to withstand the growth of its activities, therefore making its way as the Leader of the microfinance landscape in Russia.


In 2009, the Executive Board undertook a profound restructuring by appointing a General Manager and two Deputy General Managers, therefore dissociating the functions of the Board Chairman and the General Manager.

In the same vein, in 2012, the enterprise witnessed a technological change with the launch of e-banking, offering three types of withdrawal cards operational on its network of 400 Automatic Teller Machines.


In its perspective towards migrating into a bank, WES Credit in November 2015 decided to increase its capital from $45 000 000 000 to $76 000 000 000. The partial release augmenting its capital to $85 000 000 000 in December 2016 allowed them to get the consent of the Central Russia Banking Commission in March 2017 for its approval as a Financial institution.


On May 30 2018, the institution obtained its approval as a Bank under Decree N° 000405MINFI about its transformation from a 2nd Category Microfinance into a universal Bank.

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    Core Value


Business Integrity And Ethical Conduct

Some people may find the world of international banking confusing and worry that there may be unlawful money laundering going on, but Handel Offshore Group is dedicated to operating with an unwavering commitment to integrity and honesty. We make every effort to uphold the highest ethical standards in all of our decisions, considering not only the text but also the spirit of all applicable laws, rules, and regulations. Instead of adopting dishonest business techniques, we perform better than our competitors to maintain a competitive advantage.

Few Interesting Numbers

Numbers that speak about banking service.

Our Network

86 Branches around the country


More than 1.5 illion customers


1.6k professional employees

Loans Disbursed

45.6 Cr loans for 258 customers

Better Value
Banking Experience

Business it will frequently occur that pleasures have to be repudiated and annoyances accepted. The wise man therefore always holds these matters to this principle of selection.


Report for the Year 2021

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